Mother! (2017 Film) Summary

Mother! (2017 Film) Summary

The film begins with the image of Mother weeping as flames consume her. We then see a man, Him, placing a crystal on a mantle, and when he does so the mantle becomes new again as does the entire home it is in. Mother then wakes up and is looking for her husband, who soon appears.

Later, a doctor arrives at their home and Him invites the man to stay in their home. We see the doctor is sick and Him helps the man, covering an injury on his right rib cage. The next day the doctor’s wife arrives to stay in the home with them. The doctor and his wife eventually go into the study and break the Crystal. This upsets Him and he boards off the study so no one will get in again.

The two sons of the doctor and his wife show up and the eldest son kills the youngest in the home by beating him over the head. The blood drips through the floor and into the basement which allows Mother to have access to a room where there is a large oil container that heats the home.

Him allows the doctor and his wife to invite their family over to have a vigil for their son, but the Home soon gets overwhelmed with people who trash it. The people finally leave and later, Mother is upset with her his and for letting all of these people in to their home without asking her. She wants to know why he won’t make love to her during their argument, which leads to them having sex.

She gets pregnant and Him, who is a poet, gets his inspiration back and writes a masterpiece, which is quickly published and causes thousands of people to arrive at their home to see the poet. But this scene quickly turns into a war zone and Mother is fighting for her life. Him finds her and gets them into the boarded off study where she gives birth to their son.

However, Him wants to show their child to the adoring people and gives the baby to the crowd who eventually kill him as his neck breaks. Then Mother sees people eating parts of her child’s flesh and she begins to kill them. Then she is struck down and violently beaten until Him stops the brutality.

Mother has had enough, and she goes to the basement and sets the house on fire by lighting the oil tank of fire. There is nothing left but a burnt Mother and Him, who hasn’t been harmed by the explosion. He asks to take her love and she lets him. He pulls it from her belly, and she dies. We see that her love is the crystal from the beginning of the film. As the film closes, He places the crystal on the mantle and Mother wakes up in bed, just as she did at the beginning of the story.

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