Day 5

No Exit Lesson Plan

Discussion of Thought Questions

  1. 1

    When Garcin asks Estelle for her trust, she says, "Oh, what a nuisance you are! I'm giving you my mouth, my arms, my whole body—and everything could be so simple...My trust!" What does she mean by this?

    Estelle finds Garcin's desire for anything beyond physical connection to be absurd. What use is trust, really, at this point? Garcin's need for Estelle to believe he is brave in order for it to be true mimics Estelle's need for Garcin to desire her in order for her to feel real. Both find their definitions in the eyes of the other. When Estelle finds Garcin's desire for trust to be absurd, she is ensuring that the two will torment each other for the rest of their time...

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