College Algebra (11th Edition)

Published by Pearson
ISBN 10: 0321671791
ISBN 13: 978-0-32167-179-0

Chapter R - Section R.3 - Polynomials - R.3 Exercises - Page 29: 25


x$^{2}$+x$^{2}$ $\ne$x$^{4}$

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Since the variables (x$^{2}$) are like terms, they are simply added by their numerical coefficient, so x$^{2}$+x$^{2}$ = 2x$^{2}$. Powers are only added if x$^{2}$ is being multiplied by x$^{2}$ due to the exponent rule that x$^{a}$$\times$x$^{b}$= a$^{a+b}$.
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