Work Step by Step
Make the fractions similar by using their LCD of $20$ to obtain:
Simplify using the PEMDAS rule for order of operations. The PEMDAS rule summarizes the order of operations:
First Priority; P - parentheses
Second Priority: E - exponents
Third Priorirty: M/D - multiplication or division, whichever comes first from the left
Fourth Priority: A/S - addition or subtraction, whichever comes first from the left
Apply the exponent first::
\\=\left(\dfrac{-32}{20} - \dfrac{15}{20}\right)+\dfrac{10}{20}$
Simplify within the parentheses to obtain:
\\=\dfrac{-47}{20} + \dfrac{10}{20}$
Add the numerators and copy the denominator to obtain: