The President Characters

The President Character List

The President

The President remains unnamed throughout the novel and so becomes far more of an expansive symbolic figure rather than presiding over the action as merely a fictional recreation of a singular historical figure. Though based on Guatemalan dictator Estrada Cabrera, the novel’s tyrannical leader is situated as any of the dozens of Central and South American dictators that have ruled despotically over citizens.

Angel Face

Although named Miguel, the protagonist of the novel is known as Angel Face. He begins as a close advisor to the President and the novel’s charting of his fall from grace is the centerpiece revealing how the President’s despotic power drives the narrative of everyone’s life over which he reigns.

General Eusebio Canales

General whom the President exiles from the country following suspicion of murder. A false report indicating the President attended his daughter’s wedding to Angel Face seals his fate.


The General’s daughter who is saved from the fate awaiting the collapse of her father’s fortune by Angel Face. She accepts this rescue with some reluctance and eventually gives birth to a son. By that point, her husband has also seen his fortune change as she Camila becomes the iconic image of the type of person who never experiences any sort of true freedom of choice under such rule.

Major Farfan

Man whose life Angel Face saves early on after Farfan falls out of the favor of the President. Once the tables have turned and Angel Face is now the one who needs saving, he expects the favor to be returned. He is disappointed.


The novel commences with an emotionally disturbed man known as the Zany murdering Colonel Parrales Sonriente. The Colonel is one of the favorites of the President and his murder is the stimulus for the President to being an aggressive crackdown on those whom he views as threats to his power.

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