The President Irony

The President Irony

The killing of Colonel Jose Sonriente

Colonel Sonriente is a powerful man in government and a close friend to the president, who should be protected at all times. Ironically, Colonel Sonriente is ferociously killed by a beggar! A beggar is an individual, who has no power or capacity to kill a colonel, but it mysteriously happens, and this incident leaves readers flabbergasted. All beggars are tortured by authorities and forced to lie that General Canales and Abel killed Colonel Sonriente.

The irony of corrupt leadership

The entire book explores the evils of a government that is not people-centered. The president and his close allies use their power to oppress others while enriching themselves through corruption deals. The reader finds it satirical that instead of distributing resources equally to all people, the leaders use corrupt means to enrich themselves using the public resources.

The killing of an innocent baby

After the murder of Colonel Sonriente, the president launched a crackdown on his murderous. Zany managed to escape, and other co-accused. However, the woman who helped the suspected culprits escape was put in a mental hospital by the government authorities. Ironically, the authorities kill the woman’s innocent baby as a way of punishing her. The baby pays for the sins that do not concern her.

The irony of the president

The president has all the powers to protect himself from any form of harm. However, all the Canales meet and organize a coop intended to bring the corrupt president down. Similarly, when the president meets Angel Face, he arrests her, and she is later killed. At last, the president is brought down to curtail the rampant corruption that is slowly killing the country.

The irony of tyrants

Tyrants are despotic leaders who control nations using an iron fist for their selfish gains. The tyrants think that they are mortal and they will rule forever. Ironically, tyrants are mortal, and often they are removed from power through uprisings and revolutions. The only way to end tyrannical leadership and corruption is through revolutions.

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