The President Quotes


"No one paid any attention to the blind men's protests and the Mosquito's remark was not even heard."

Miguel Angel

This quote brings to light how deep-rooted the theme of negligence runs in the novel. Despite most of the people being poor and living in an impoverished state, neither the president nor his government do anything about the dire state of life of the people. Instead of helping, the president employs dictatorship to rule often using force to get what he wants.

"It's being said-anyway my wife was told so-that they want to implicate me in the murder of Colonel Parrales Sonriente! "


Dictatorship in The President is a theme that is implicit almost in every line of every chapter. Like so many instances in the novel which depict the theme in question, this quote illustrates the abuse of power that the President is involved in as things are done only with his instruction. In this quote, Canales is telling Angel Face, the president's loyal servant and confidant that he is aware that he is going to be implicated in the murder. It is a clear suggestion that things are far moved from democracy as the president exercises an authoritarian rule, one that is devoid of real justice and like in any country where justice does not prevail, the people suffer greatly.

"If you tell me where the general is-look here, listen to me: I know you know and are going to tell me-- if you tell me where the general is hiding I'll let you off; I'll have you set free and you can go straight home to your house in peace. Think of that. Just think of that! "

Judge Advocate

Once more, abuse of power is brought to light in this quote as the judge advocate tries to corrupt Nina Fedina into giving him the address and location of the general. Corruption is also implicit in the quote as the Judge Advocate offers Nina freedom but if only she gave out the location of the general. In the novel, Miguel Angel shows how people in positions of power use it to their advantage often oppressing their subjects. In this quote, the judge's abuse of power is evident.

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