The President Literary Elements

The President Literary Elements


Fictional novel

Setting and Context

The novel is set between 1922 and 1933.

Narrator and Point of View

Third person-narrative

Tone and Mood

Sad, resentful, pessimistic

Protagonist and Antagonist

Angel Face is the protagonist of the story.

Major Conflict

The major conflict is when a beggar called Zany ferociously slays Colonel Jose after disrespecting his mother. After that, all the beggars are tormented to lie that General Canales and Abel killed Jose.


The death of Angel Face marks the climax of the novel.


Angel Face’s sexual relationship with the president advisor predicted his horrible ending and death.


Corruption is understated. The reader realizes that corruption starts from the top of the hierarchy.


The story alludes to the innocence of the citizens because, in most cases, they do not know how corruption has schemed from the top leadership.


Sight imagery is depicted when the author describes how the beggars sleep outside with their clothes on. Through this sight imagery, readers can see the sufferings that the beggars are subjected to.


The main paradox is that a beggar can kill a colonel! The reader does not comprehend how a mare beggar can slay a highly trained colonel on security matters.


The corruption carried out by the state parallels the leaders’ greed for power and wealth.

Metonymy and Synecdoche

Corruption is the term used in the text to refer to the sufferings of ordinary citizens due to leaders' selfish interests.



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