The President Summary

The President Summary

Miguel Angel Asturias' The President about people who live under a corrupt dictator. The book focuses on the president's advisor who falls in love with the daughter of someone they think is a traitor. A beggar named Zany viciously kills Colonel Jose Sonriente, after he mocks his mother. Every beggar is tortured until they promise that they will say that General Canales and Abel Carvajal committed the murder.

Zany then escapes the president's advisor is ordered to help the Canales escape, he does this so the Canales will look guilty. After all of the Canales escape every one that helped them escape where torched even though the president sent them to do that. The woman that was accused of helping them escape was put in a mental hospital and her baby was killed.

Soon all the Canales meet up to start a task force to bring the corrupt president down. When the word spreads about the president most don't believe but some do. On a trip to America, he president arrested Angel Face. The reason she was arrested was because the president found out that she was married to the advisor and that she was illegal. Angel Face died in prison but she did think that the president was dating a mistress Camila.

This book focuses on how people can be corrupt and how everyone could have no clue, also how there are some good in people.

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