The Rocky Horror Picture Show Imagery

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Imagery


The iconic costumes of The Rocky Horror Picture Show are adored by many fans, so much so that many people attend the stage play dressed up. Many of the characters, including Frank N Furter himself, dress in eccentric and outlandish costumes, which are overtly sexual in style. As such, this is an image that is associated with The Rocky Horror Picture Show.

The horror genre

This film is intended as a parody of horror films in the early 20th Century. As such, the film uses a lot of imagery typical of the horror genre, including the haunted house and the dark interiors.

Brad and Janet

The innocence of Brad and Janet is emphasized by the imagery they are associated with. For example, in the film, they wear very conservative clothes, and Janet is associated with the color white. Overall, this makes them sit in great contrast with the rest of the cast, who are much more eccentric in their choices of costume.

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