The Rocky Horror Picture Show Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

The Costumes

The outlandish costumes of The Rocky Horror Picture Show's cast symbolize their transgressive behavior. They are all incredibly eccentric characters, and this is visually represented by how they dress.


According to Frank N. Furter, Rocky symbolizes the perfect man. This was Frank's motivation for creating him in the first place, in order to give him some companionship.

The Time Warp

The Time Warp song has become a symbol of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, and is played at many parties and events. It reflects the tone of the play which is fun and silly.

Brad and Janet

At the beginning of the film, Brad and Janet symbolize innocence. They are both straight-laced and are not at all transgressive, however this soon changes when they meet Frank N. Furter.

The Haunted House

Frank N. Furter's haunted castle symbolizes the typical setting of horror films. This was the intention of the writers, who wanted The Rocky Horror Picture Show to be a parody of earlier horror films.

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