The Rocky Horror Picture Show Themes

The Rocky Horror Picture Show Themes

Sexual identity

The movie’s most important theme is the theme of sexual identity. Frank is the mad scientist and owner of a creepy castle, but he also introduces himself as the sweet transsexual from Transylvania. He is expressive and comfortable in being himself, and he tries to seduce both Janet and Brad. Brad, on the other hand, lives a life untrue to himself and to Janet. He isn’t comfortable in expressing his liking of men, asking of Frank to not tell anything to Janet. He is dishonest to himself and to her. One could say that one of the reason why the movie is beloved by many is because of its representation of, at the time, this controversial theme.


Love isn’t at the heart of the movie, but it is still represented in the relationships of Brad and Janet, and Frank’s love for his creature Rocky. In Janet’s case love is connected to heartbreak and a need for change, after she discovers Brad with Frank. It marks her change from innocence to freedom.


Parodying the science fiction works of the time, science is also an important theme of the movie. Frank is a parody of Frankenstein and just like him, he creates life out of death, although his intentions are more personal as he wants his monster to predominantly function in his bed. Dr. Everett comes to the scene as a science doctor as well, who explores UFOs, parodying the UFO craze of the time.


Brad and Janet are a normal, almost bland, couple who stumble upon a creepy castle filled with strange people who obviously live very different lives than theirs. They are reluctant to them at first, but very quickly adjust and even find inspiration to be themselves: Brad in expressing his sexual orientation, and Janet coming out of her shell and expressing her sexuality. The movie goes even further with the theme of otherness with the plot twist with aliens and planet Transsexual Transylvania.

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