Wadjda Cast List

Wadjda Cast List

Reem Abdullah

Reem Abdullah is Saudi Arabia's most recognized female star. She has lived her entire life in Saudi Arabia and began her screen acting career on Tash Ma Tash, a Saudi comedy series. She is also known for such Saudi television series as Beni w beni, Haitan w zaeab and Homrai El-sahar.

Waad Mohammed

Waad Mohammed came to acclaim for her portrayal of the titular character of Wadjda in the 2012 film. She was initially discovered at a mall talent competition, and later was selected by Wadjda director, Haifaa Al-Mansour to lead a film of great cultural significance as the picture was the first to be entirely shot in Saudi Arabia, and the first time a film has been made by a female Saudi director.

Abdullrahman Al Gohani

Abdullrahman Al Gohani is best known for playing Abdullah a friend to the titular character in the film. He is a young Saudi boy born and raised in Saudi Arabia.


Ahd is known for such films as Wadjda, The Kingdom, La saintete and will appear in the TV mini-series Collateral. She is also a filmmaker who is originally from Saudi Arabia.

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