Wadjda Irony

Wadjda Irony


Wadjda is given SR20 in cash to take a permit to exit to another student's brother after school. Ironically, when she delivers it to him, she tells him his sister said he'd pay her another 20, which he does.

No Manners

Wadjda tells Iqbal that he has no manners as he has had no schooling. Ironically, Wadjda does not act with manners towards him either, even though she has been in school.


Wadjda enters the Quran recital competition and Ms. Hussa believes she is changing her ways. Ironically, Wadjda is entering the competition for the prize money she can win which will allow her to purchase her green bicycle.


Abdullah asks Wadjda if he can string lights to their home for his Uncle's political campaign. Mother tells her he can't. Ironically, Wadjda says he can if he brings his bike for her to learn to ride.


Wadjda desires to have the green bicycle. Ironically, she doesn't have any idea of how to ride one.

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