Wadjda Literary Elements

Wadjda Literary Elements


Haifaa al-Mansour

Leading Actors/Actresses

Waad Mohammed

Supporting Actors/Actresses

Reem Abdullah, Abdullrahman Al Gohani, Ahd Kamel






Nominated for BAFTA for Best Foreign Film

Date of Release



Gerhard Meixner, Roman Paul

Setting and Context

Saudi Arabia 2012

Narrator and Point of View

POV is that of Wadjda

Tone and Mood

Realism: Serious and Dramatic.

Protagonist and Antagonist

Protagonist is Wadjda. Antagonist is Ms. Hussa.

Major Conflict

Wadjda desires to buy a green bicycle, but she doesn't have the money to purchase it and Mother won't buy it for her.


Wadjda wins the Quran recital competition and the cash prize of SR1000, but Ms. Hussa gives her money away when she learns Wadjda wants to use it to buy a bike. Mother purchases the bike for Wadjda without her knowing.


Abdullah racing his bike away from Wadjda in the initial part of the film foreshadows Wadjda's doing everything she can to get the bike.


It is understated that Mother would buy the green bicycle for Wadja.

Innovations in Filming or Lighting or Camera Techniques



The film is an allusion to how oppression creates the opposing need to express oneself and be free. It also alludes to how when a subculture is oppressed some of their own fall into line in agreement with the oppression, even becoming for legalistic than the opposing group.


Wadjda wins the Quran recital competition and the cash prize money. Paradoxically she is not allowed to use it the way she wants and the money is given away by Ms. Hussa.


Wadjda's prize money being taken away from her by Ms. Hussa parallels Mother losing Father as he is married off to another woman who can bear him a son, which Mother cannot.

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