Wadjda Quotes


"Did you really think you could catch up with me?"


Abdullah says this to Wadjda early in the film when she attempts to run after him on his bike. The statement is simple, but speaks of the through-line theme about the desire of the women in Saudi culture to run along with, if not even run faster than the men who silence them.

"I'd like to join the religious club."


Wadjda enters the Quran recital competition which her teachers believe is because she desires to change. However, the truth is that she wants to win the cash prize of SR1000 in order to buy her green bicycle.

"I'll give you five riyals if you stop crying."


Abdullah has brought his bike over to Wadjda's home so that she can learn to ride it. But, he has put training wheels on the bike and this hurts her feelings and causes her to cry. Ironically, when he offers her money to stop crying she immediately puts her hand out. It creates a humorous moment as we know that her greatest desire is to have the money to purchase the green bicycle.

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