Wadjda Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of the fireworks going off as Mother hugs Wadjda after giving her the green bicycle?

    Wadjda's cash prize money for winning the Quran recital competition was given away by Ms. Hussa because Ms. Hussa didn't believe that Wadjda was using the money appropriately. Later in the night Mother reveals that she purchased the bicycle for her daughter and they hug as fireworks go off in the sky behind them. The fireworks are being shot off from Wadjda's father's wedding ceremony. He has married another woman as Mother is not able to have children and thus unable to bear a son for him. Them hugging with the fireworks exploding represents Mother's deep love for her daughter and her desire for her to have and be more than the culture they were born into allows them to do, and to endure through the pains of life, no matter how great.

  2. 2

    Why does Wadjda compete in the Quran recital?

    Wadjda tells Ms. Hussa that she wants to join the religious club. Ms. Hussa believes that Wadjda is now on track to become a reputable woman in their society. Wadjda even wins the competition, earning the SR1000 cash prize. Ms. Hussa believes that Wadjda has changed, but the reason Wadjda began to learn religion was to win the money to buy the bike that she desired. The bike represents the hope for a future beyond the limitation of the culture she lives in.

  3. 3

    Why does Father marry another woman?

    Throughout the film, we see Mother attempting to entice Father to stay with her. She prepares meals for him and his family and buys a new dress to impress him and his family. Mother cannot have children after nearly dying during childbirth with Wadjda. Because she cannot bear a son for Father, his family line cannot carry on, as only the males are placed on the family tree. Thus, Father's family finds new female suitors for him to choose from in order that his bloodline will continue. He chooses to marry another woman to do so rather than stay faithful to the wife and daughter he already has.

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