Barry Lyndon Characters

Barry Lyndon Character List

Redmond Barry

The main protagonist of the story, Barry is a spoiled, entitled child who seeks to make other people's lives a misery through his cruel actions. He is a deliberately unlikeable narrator and goes out of his way to mistreat others. He eventually dies in prison as all his bad deeds come back to him.

Lady Honoria Lyndon

The wife of Redmond Barry. A haughty woman, she finds herself under the confines of her husband who manages to control her and make her life a misery. Barry pursues her in order to obtain the lands that come along with her name. She eventually manages to break free from his control.

The Widow Barry

Barry's mother. She aids and endears her son's cruel actions by letting him mistreat his wife and other peers. She brought up Barry to think he is better than others, especially as she did not come from wealth herself, and this seeks to be a lasting insecurity throughout her life.

Lord Bullingdon

The son of Lady Honoria Lyndon and step-son to Barry. His life is made a living hell by Barry who seeks to cast him out by any means, in order to obtain the lands and wealth for his own son. He runs off to fight the rebels in the US under his step-father's tactics but manages to help his mother escape the terror Barry puts her through.

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