Barry Lyndon Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    Why does Redmond cry when he meets the Chevalier?

    Redmond cries when he meets the man because the Chevalier is a fellow Irishman. The Chevalier represents home, Ireland, to him and he hasn't seen home in so many years that he has lost faith of ever returning. One glance at the man and he cannot carry on betraying him for the Prussian army. He spills everything to him and becomes a companion to the Chevalier, who educates him on being a swindler. Ironically, Redmond begins a relationship with the man because of his intimacy with home, but in return he becomes a man that couldn't be further away from who he was at the beginning of the film in mother Ireland.

  2. 2

    What is the time period this film takes place in?

    It begins in the 1750s and moves through the Seven Years War from 1756-1763. The final act where Redmond becomes Barry Lyndon begins in 1773 during the reign of King George III--which begain in 1760 and lasted until 1801.

  3. 3

    What is put in Redmond's gun to replace the bullet during his duel with Captain Quin, and why?

    A toe is place in Redmond's gun during his duel with Captain Quin. The reason the bullet is replaced is so that Redmond will be convinced that he must go on the run from the law as they will be after him to execute him for killing an officer of the King's army. It was all a ruse as Nora's father wanted to put an end to Redmond's love her his cousin so that Captain Quin could marry her and begin to pay the family an annual amount of money.

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