Barry Lyndon Quotes


"I'm not sorry. And I'll not apologize. And I'd as soon go to Dublin as to hell."

Redmond Barry

Redmond is offered the opportunity to go to Dublin and not have to dual Capt. Quinn. But this is his response to that offer. He is in love with his cousin Norah and does not want to give her up for Quinn regardless of the price.

"The shot you hit him with was not likely to hurt him as it was made of toe."

Captain Grogan

Grogan meets up with Redmond in the English army and informs the young man that he did not kill Captain Quinn. It was merely a ruse that was set up in order to get Redmond to leave for Dublin and get away from Norah.

"It is well to dream of glorious war in a snug-armed chair at home, but it is a very different thing to see it first hand."


The Narrator speaks this as Barry stands above a fire after watching his friend, Captain Grogan be shot and killed on the battlefield earlier that day. Barry has had a fight in him his entire life and for the first time it has been struck out of him at the sight of death.

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