Barry Lyndon Irony

Barry Lyndon Irony


Norah is Redmond's cousin and has come on to him for such a long time that Redmond is now in love with her. She gives him her ribbon from her necklace which she makes him pull from her bosom. Ironically, Norah marries Captain Quinn as he is a man in her eyes. That is, he has money and property and Redmond is a boy without a guinea to his name.


Redmond is given a chance to walk away from the dual he's engaged in with Captain Quinn. He's even given money to get him started, and the chance to not be killed in the dual. Ironically, Redmond won't take it. He says he'd sooner go to hell than Dublin and he carries on with the dual to save his honor.

The Dual

Redmond is dueling Captain Quinn in order to ensure that he doesn't marry Norah and that he is the one to love her. Ironically, by shooting Quinn he is forced to go into hiding by riding to Dublin away from his home and away from Norah forever. His need to fight has cost him his love.


Redmond has joined the English Army fighting in the seven year war. He meets up with Captain Grogan who was there the day he killed Captain Quinn. Ironically, Grogan reveals that Quinn and Norah have been married. That it was only a toe that was put into the pistols in order to convince Redmond that he'd killed Quinn. Redmond has now left his entire life and begun a new one based on a lie.


Redmond has stolen an officers uniform in order to escape from the English regiment he is serving in. He meets a Prussian Captain who invites him to dinner and flatters him about his country and its great strength. Ironically, the Captain is flattering Redmond in order to catch him lying as he believes he is not who he says he is. And once he catches him, the Captain arrests him and Redmond is forced back into the army, this time serving the Prussians.

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