Barry Lyndon Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Barry Lyndon Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

A Kiss

After the announcement of Captain Quinn and Norah's engagement, everyone calls for a kiss from the couple to which the Captain obliges. The kiss for Redmond, though is a kiss of death as the woman he loves is gone. She has given herself to another man.


In the opening of the film, we watch as Norah and Redmond play cards. We watch as she gives him her ribbon from her neck as a symbol of her affection for him. The card game comes to be a symbol that Norah is merely playing games with Redmond as she believes him to be a boy, and not a man she is able to marry.

Captain Grogan's Death

Redmond experiences battle for the first time alongside Captain Grogan. As they march towards the enemy Grogan is shot in the belly and Redmond carries him off the battlefield. Redmond kisses the Captain and then he dies. Captain Grogan's death is a symbol that Redmond has been awakened to the reality of war. That good men die and it isn't as glorious as he could have imagined it to be.


Redmond comes in to the acquaintance of the Chevalier du Balibari and is meant to spy upon him for the Prussian army. But when he see the Chevalier he cannot do so as he is a fellow Irishman. The Chevalier is a symbol of home for Redmond, a place that though he hasn't seen in years is still deep within his heart. And when Redmond sees the man he weeps as he misses his country and his countrymen.


Redmond has married Lady Lyndon and we see them traveling by carriage as he smokes his pipe. Lady Lyndon asks him to stop smoking as it is bothering her, but Redmond not only continues he blows his smoke in her face. The pipe becomes a symbol of defiance towards her that he cares more for his wants than he does for her affection.

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