Fundamentals of Biochemistry: Life at the Molecular Level 5th Edition

Published by Wiley
ISBN 10: 1118918401
ISBN 13: 978-1-11891-840-1

Chapter 17 - Citric Acid Cycle - Exercises - Page 586: 26


Many microbes utilize formation of an intermediate species called succinate semialdehyde before complete formation of succinate. This entity is important in degradation of gamma aminobutyric acid in humans and higher vertebrats. Importantly, a fraction of alpha-ketoglutarate is converted into semi-aldehyde of succinate while other fraction is directly converted into succinate. However, the un-utilized fraction of succinate semialdehyde can be further converted into succinate by oxidation-reduction activity of certain enzymes called the succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase. This is an oxido-reductase enzyme thus catalyzing the reaction: succinate semialdehyde + NAD+ + H₂O = succinate + NADH + 2 H+ Thus, the correct choices are reduction and oxidation reactions.

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Many microbes utilize formation of an intermediate species called succinate semialdehyde before complete formation of succinate. This entity is important in degradation of gamma aminobutyric acid in humans and higher vertebrats. Importantly, a fraction of alpha-ketoglutarate is converted into semi-aldehyde of succinate while other fraction is directly converted into succinate. However, the un-utilized fraction of succinate semialdehyde can be further converted into succinate by oxidation-reduction activity of certain enzymes called the succinate semialdehyde dehydrogenase. This is an oxido-reductase enzyme thus catalyzing the reaction: succinate semialdehyde + NAD+ + H₂O = succinate + NADH + 2 H+ Thus, the correct choices are reduction and oxidation reactions.
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