Home Alone Characters

Home Alone Character List

Kevin McCallister

Kevin McCallister is an eight-year-old boy, the main character of the film. On Christmas all his family was going to Paris for vacation, but Kevin is unintentionally left home. Being left all alone, Kevin has to resist two burglars who want to rob his house.

Peter McCallister

Peter is Kevin’s father, a good family man who loves his wife and children

Kate McCallister

Kate is Kevin’s mother. She seems to be too strict to Kevin at first, but she is very miserable when finds that they have left Kevin home. She tries to get to Chicago no matter what.

Linnie McCallister

Linnie is Kevin’s elder sister

Buzz McCallister

Buzz is Kevin’s elder brother. Buzz is rather cruel and, like any other teenager, misbehaves.

Megan McCallister

Megan is Kevin's eldest sister, she is the most reasonable among McCalister children, and helps her mother to arrange the trip.


Harry is one of two robbers, the leader.


Marv is the second robber, neither smart nor clever.

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