Home Alone Irony

Home Alone Irony

Flood bandits

Harry and Marv are not very smart bandits; though Harry seems more reasonable and prudent, Marv is a complete opposite. Marv thought himself very clever, and that’s why ge left the taps open in every house they have robbed. As he says: “all the great ones leave their mark, we’re the wet bandits”. Flooded house was their mark, and it was easier for the police to solve the case. Ironically, Marv helped the police, which proves that he was not very careful bandit. Though Harry did not leave any mark, he did not prevent Marv, so he is not clever either.

A boring street

Buzz says that “we live on the most boring street in the whole United States of America, where nothing even remotely dangerous will ever happen”. These words provide foreshadowing of the plot, and it is obvious that something will happen for sure. Buzz’s carelessness is ironic and borders on stupidity, as one never can know for sure.

An adult child

When Kevin is left alone, he takes all the duties about the house on himself. Shopping, cooking, cleaning, washing up – he does all the things. Surely he wants to seem an adult, but he is a child, and this contradiction creates an humorously ironic atmosphere. Once during the dinner Kevin says “bless this highly nutritious microwavable macaroni and cheese dinner and the people who sold it on sale. Amen”, or asks a seller in the shop "Has this toothbrush been approved by the American Dental Association?" These moments are funny, but they also show that Kevin is a child.

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