Home Alone Imagery

Home Alone Imagery

The Basement

Kevin goes into the basement looking for his family. But he sees the furnace and is scared by it, believing it to be a monster. The imagery evokes the reality of how as kids we create monsters in our home that scare us and they become things to overcome.

I Made My Family Disappear

Kevin can't believe what's happened as his family is all gone. But then the reality that his family, who treats him like dirt, is gone. We watch as he dances around the house, and the imagery looks like a victory lap as the home is all his without his family.


Kevin is seen sitting in his Dad's chair eating a huge bowl of ice cream while watching a gangster movie. The imagery points to how children are willing to follow the rules of the home when their parents are home, but how they so desire to do what they are asked to stay away from as soon as they are free.


Harry is dressed as a cop and enters Peter and Kate's home. Non one pays attention to him at all. The imagery reveals a carefree nature about their home that entices Harry to set up a heist for when they leave town. This imagery sets up the conflict between Harry and the burglars, as they suspect his home will be an easy mark, when in fact they are about to meet their match with the kid.

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