Home Alone Themes

Home Alone Themes


Home Alone is one of the most successful Christmas films ever shot, and the main theme of the film is Christmas, preparations for celebrations of this holiday. The entire film is soaked with Christmas spirit, which is all about family, unity, friendship and love. But what is more important is the path to this unity. The characters have to pass through some trials to understand and really value what they have. Kevin wished his family to disappear, and the next morning he woke up and was alone in the house. At first he was happy, but as days passed he wished them all back, and even promised he would never misbehave. So the central theme of the film is what Christmas embodies – family and love.

Illegal actions

Christmas is a very busy holiday, everyone is involved in preparations, adults have many things to get arranged, and kids have many dreams of what Santa will bring them. And there are those who try to take advantage of this troubled time – robbers, burglars and other criminals. It is the best time for their bad deeds, as little attention is paid to themselves. And in the film such two burglars – Harry and Marc – have a plan to rob the houses on the street where very rich people live. They find out who leaves the house for holidays and simply get into the house and take away everything they can carry. But their biggest target is the McCallisters’ house.

Children’s sincerity and cunning

The most interesting and humorous part of the film is when Kevin holds a fight with Harry and Marv. Being a very creative child Kevin puts many traps around the house and outside, and when Harry and Marv come to the house they are constantly hurt. Kevin uses all his imagination to prevent his house from being robbed, and his childish attitude and way of thinking proves to be more effective than the one of the burglars’. Children are much wiser, and can give good advices as well. The line with Marley, the old neighbor, is proof of children’s wisdom. For Kevin it is simply to go and make it up, so that it is what he advises old Marley.

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