Home Alone Quotes


"This is my house, I have to defend it."


Kevin is left alone in his house. His first feelings are happiness, joy, and gladness. He finds it really amusing to do whatever he wants, but in few days he starts missing his family. At that moment he finds out that two burglars want to rob his house. Kevin feels helpless at first, but after having visited the local church he decides to defend his house. With these words, he starts his preparations to the fight with Harry and Marv.

"Buzz, I'm reading through all your private stuff, you better come out and pound me!"


Kevin’s interactions with his older brother Buzz are far from warm and cordial; Buzz expresses his distaste for his younger brother too evidently. When Kevin stays alone, he gets into Buzz’s room, looks through his personal things, and finds Buzz’s stash. Kevin gets his revenge fully.

“I have been awake for almost 60 hours. I’m tired and I’m dirty. I have been from Chicago to Paris to Dallas to… where the hell am I?”

Kate MaCallister

Kate feels extremely worried and anxious; she has left her son alone in the house. For a mother it is the biggest disaster that something might happen to her child. She tries to make her way back to Chicago as soon as possible, since sitting and waiting is not acceptable for her. Kate is very afraid, and her motherly emotions are understandable.

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