Home Alone Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Home Alone Symbols, Allegory and Motifs

Furnace in the basement (symbol)

Kevin feels free and safe in his house, except for the basement where a furnace is placed. Every time he descends there he gets frightened, his imagination gives way and he sees the furnace move and click like teeth of some monster. Kevin runs away every time. But know, when he is alone, he needs to get into the basement so he needs to face his fear, and he does it. The furnace is a symbol for children’s fears and their ability to give things magical image, Kevin always saw a monster in the furnace, and the moment he stops being afraid of it – it disappears, and only an old furnace is left.

Church (symbol)

Christmas is a special holiday – the birth of Jesus, God’s son, is celebrated. The motif of religion goes through the entire film, especially it is felt when Kevin runs away from Harry and Marv and hides between the figures of the Nativity play on the church territory. This search for safety is emphasized, Kevin is alone and nobody can protect him, so the church is the symbol of shelter. Kevin also comes to church in the evening, and it is in the church where he comes to the conclusion that he must protect his home, whatever happens.

Stigmata (symbol)

One more really strong religious symbol is stigmata signs on the old Marley’s hand. When at the shop Kevin is faced with Marley, the Marley’s hand is bandaged, the vision is not pleasant. On of the next scenes when Kevin meets with Marley is in the church, the Old Marley’s hand is not bandaged but still a little plaster is seen. And in the very end, when Kevin waves to Marley and Marley waves back his hand is not damaged anymore. These signs are symbols for suffering, as those Jesus had when was crucified. Old Marley is embodiment of suffering and plays a role of the reminder to the audience of Jesus and his difficult way. Christmas is the celebration of His birth, and the message is to value and never betray those we love, because betrayal leads to sufferings and death, as it happened with Jesus.

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