Jules et Jim

Jules et Jim Analysis

This film is about two men who are inseparable. Though they come from different backgrounds they learn to speak one another’s language, in order to find common ground between each other. They share everything with one another even their artistic creations, without fear of being judged. Their relationship represents, in a way, how many people would idealize marriage and hope for it to be.

With the addition of Catherine, the men’s lives begin to change. Jules is in love, and Jim is still searching for it. Truffaut turns the social belief that men are allowed to philanderer while women stay faithful on its head. Catherine has affairs while married to Jules and he stays faithful. We see her attempt to create her own rules for love, in truth attempting to create her own definition of love. What she creates is nothing more than torment in order to have what she wants and ensure that if she cannot have it, no one will.

Jules and Jim brought laughter and life to Catherine’s world, and in the end Catherine brought death to their‘s

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