Jules et Jim Imagery

Jules et Jim Imagery


Truffaut has shown images of a statue of a woman on an island using a projector. We then see Catherine, and she is projected in the same way as the sculpture. Thus, she has become the image of love for Jules and Jim.

Left Behind

Jules is left behind by Catherine and Jim while they ride their bikes. The imagery foreshadows how Catherine will leave Jules behind and he will struggle to keep up.

Stop Photography

Truffaut uses stop photography in the film. An image of Catherine laughing reveals her happiness in a single moment in time, and how this is only a moment for her. The rest of her life is suffering and is seldom characterized by laughter.


Truffaut uses images of the battlefront, which take us directly into the life and death of war. Such scenery puts us emotionally in a new place with the characters through the imagery, as in the next segment of the film we learn of Catherine’s infidelity.

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