Jules et Jim Quotes


“I have a bad tendency to overspecialize. I envy how widely you cast your net...Jim.”


Jules says this to his friend, Jim, admitting that his relationship with Catherine is tormenting him. She is the only one he desires to love and yet she seeks other men in spite of his fidelity.

“I never laughed before I met you two, I always looked like this.”


Catherine says this after meeting Jules and Jim. The pair of friends has changed the landscape of what is possible for her in her life. We understand that she has been a woman who has had difficulty enjoying life until she met them.

“Give me your answer tomorrow. If it’s no, I’ll ask again every year on your birthday.”


Jules is fully committed to living his life with Catherine. She has yet to say yes or no, and this shows how she wavers and will continue to waver with Jules.

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