Jules et Jim Essay Questions

Essay Questions

  1. 1

    What is the significance of Catherine’s affairs?

    Catherine, in this film, assumes the socially accepted behaviors of a man. She becomes the one who has affairs and expects her husband to stay faithful. Truffaut has turned this culturally accepted norm on its head to reveal it from the other point of view. Thus the significance of Catherine’s affairs are enormous as they demand an unfair balance.

  2. 2

    How does Jim die?

    Jim is seen by Jules and Catherine at a movie theatre. The three go for lunch after several months have passed since seeing one another. Catherine threatened to kill Jim previously with a gun, but he still agrees to get into a car with her. She drives him and herself off of a bridge to their death.

  3. 3

    Why does Jules continue to live with Catherine and Jim?

    Catherine has decided that she wants Jim, even though he’s Jules’ best friend. Jules wants to be with Catherine regardless the price. So much so that he asks Jim to marry her. Jules doesn’t care that she is with Jim, only that she stays with him as he values her presence above all.

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