Director's Influence on Jules et Jim

Director's Influence on Jules et Jim

Francois Truffaut has created a film that is based in reality, with elements that boldly challenge the maintained cultural beliefs between men and women. Truffaut, a member of the French New Wave, uses real locations and natural light which allows the audience to become part of the experience, there is less separation between them and the characters of the film.

Truffaut also uses still images throughout the film. This choice creates an understanding that he is capturing a moment in time during this film. When Catherine is shown laughing in a still image we see that we are let into a moment in which she is truly happy. A moment that is rarely repeated.

The director uses many dissolving cuts which creates an idea that this story’s chapters blend into one another. That each piece of the story creates the next. Truffaut also uses images of war that brig chaos to the picture but allow us to see the reality of trench warfare before we see an at home version of it with Catherine, Jules and Jim.

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