Glycogen is a polymer of glucose molecules with alpha (1-4) linkage with branches occuring for every 8-12 residues by alpha (1-6) linkage. Breaking of glycogen involves releasing of glucose-1-phosphate, rearranging of remaining glycogen and conversion of G1P to G6P. The alpha (1-4) linking glucose has reducing corbon end and therefore converstion of glucose to G1P involves only hydrolysis which release less energy. where as breaking of alpha (1-6) invoves other enzyme called glycogen debranching enzyme and converts alpha (1-6) to alpha (1-4) which release more energy.
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Glycogen is a polymer of glucose molecules with alpha (1-4) linkage with branches occuring for every 8-12 residues by alpha (1-6) linkage. Breaking of glycogen involves releasing of glucose-1-phosphate, rearranging of remaining glycogen and conversion of G1P to G6P. The alpha (1-4) linking glucose has reducing corbon end and therefore converstion of glucose to G1P involves only hydrolysis which release less energy. where as breaking of alpha (1-6) invoves other enzyme called glycogen debranching enzyme and converts alpha (1-6) to alpha (1-4) which release more energy.