The Bible

Theology of Adoption in the Pauline Epistles College

Theology of Adoption in the Pauline Epistles The concept of being a son is an essential element of many Biblical texts. For example, the parable of the prodigal son told by Jesus in the book of Luke illustrates the value of belonging to a family as well as the love of a father for his son. Being a member of the family rather than being a servant was especially important in Biblical times, as servants received no part of the inheritance but sons did. Additionally, the position of a servant is not secure, but a son is secure in his place in the family and the love of his father. Throughout the Bible, God is referred to as the Heavenly Father, and it is written that he calls people to be his children. Often times pastors will preach about how Christians are adopted as members of God’s family, and how he is the perfect father unlike fathers here on earth. Without adoption into God’s family, Christians would have no part of the inheritance of eternal life and salvation which he freely supplies through Grace and the saving life and work of Jesus Christ.

Paul’s theology of adoption focuses on how Christians have the status of adoption into God’s family on account of the gift of their faith in Christ, however the benefits of adoption...

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