
Carrie Sources and ClassicNote Author

  • King, Stephen. Carrie . Buenos Aires: Penguin Random House, 2016.
  • Bloom, Harold. Stephen King (Colección Bloom's Modern Critical Views). Nueva York: Chelsea House Pub, 2007.
  • Brown, Simon. Screening Stephen King Adaptation and the Horror Genre in Film and Television. Texas: University of Texas Press, 2018.
  • King, Stephen. Danza macabra. Madrid: Valdemar, 2006.
  • King, Stephen. Mientras escribo. Buenos Aires: Debolsillo, 2019.
  • Lovecraft, Howard Philips. “El horror en la literatura” en Algarabía negra, ominosa, bizarra e inquietante, Núm. 131 (2018), pp. 46-52.

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